The girls from 5th and 6th class took part in Feis Ceoil the choir competition on Tuesday 21st of March. The girls sing with Ms Wickham every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning and had been working very hard in the lead up to their first competition. The girls performed in two separate competitions - Sacred Music and Two Part. We were delighted to come second in the Two Part competition!
To all our amazing students, thank you for all your hard work over the past few weeks! We were gleaming with pride watching each and every one of you. You are incredible!
A special thank you to our fabulous conductor Ms Wickham and our assisting teachers Ms O’Neill, Ms McGrane and Ms Barry.
And lastly to all you parents who came to see us today, sent messages of support, or wished us luck on our way- THANK YOU!
What an amazing day had by all! Is it too early to start practice for next year? ? ?
Check out the highlights here: Feis Ceoil Highlights