
St. Brigid's GNS was established by the Holy Faith Sisters in 1928 to cater for the educational needs of the children of Killester parish and the surrounding area. The school supports the principles of

"inclusiveness, equality of access and participation in the school and respect for
diversity of values, beliefs, traditions, languages
and ways of life in society"

We are committed to nurturing the Catholic faith through religious education, preparation for the sacraments and through the ethos of the school. The ethos is demonstrated through respect shown for each person in the school - pupils, members of staff, parents and visitors. We value our relationship with parents and the community and we are committed to working in partnership with all involved in the education process so as the best interests of each child are catered for.

Latest News

Drama Club Shows
Drama Club Shows
Drama Club Shows
Junior Achievement in 4th Class
Junior Achievement in 4th Class
Junior Achievement in 4th Class
Architecture in Fourth Class
Architecture in Fourth Class
Architecture in Fourth Class
St. Brigid's Crosses
St. Brigid's Crosses
St. Brigid's Crosses
Budding Teachers in Room 9 Fourth Class
Budding Teachers in Room 9 Fourth Class
Budding Teachers in Room 9 Fourth Class
Drama Club Shows

Our wonderful drama clubs, under the expert guidance of Ms. Barry and Ms. McGrane put on fantastic performances of 'Annie' and 'Grease' this June. Scroll to view photos and videos.


Click the image below to view photos and videos from Junior Drama club's production of 'Annie'!


'Annie' 2024

Click the image below to view photos and videos from Senior Drama club's production of 'Grease'!

'Grease' 2024

Mrs Delany's fourth class have had six amazing weeks participating in the Junior Achievement Ireland programme, 'It's My Business'. Ms Jenny Caplis from AIB facilitated each session and the girls had the most amazing time engaging in the process, from developing their business idea to pitching their idea to Jenny and receiving 100's of Euro to get started! These budding entrepreneurs have a very bright future ahead of them.

Click on the image below to view more photos:


Junior Achievement ‘It’s My Business’ In 4th Class

Mrs Delany's and Mr McKenna's fourth classes have been busily engaged in architecture workshops over the past eight weeks with Ms Joana Nunes. Their creations and designs are now coming to fruition and we cannot wait to see the finished products. Imagine having a zipline from your bedroom to the pool and a mini kitchen.....just what our dreams are made of!


Click on the image below to view more photos

Architecture In 4th Class


The Big Sing:

It's nearly time for the Big Big BIG Sing! – Hands Up for Trad

5th & 6th classes will take part in "The Big Sing" this year in the National Stadium on Tuesday 16th April 2024


Peace Proms:


3rd & 4th classes will be performing at this year's Cross Border Peace Proms in the RDS Saturday 4th February



Feis Ceoil:

5th & 6th class choir will compete in this year’s Feis Ceoil on Tuesday 21st March- They will be entering the Sacred Competition & the Primary 2 part Competition- best of luck girls!