Engineering Week 2020

All classes had great fun engaging in various activities,experiments and workshops for engineering week. Junior and Senior Infants engaged in an engineering workshop as part of their school tour in imaginosity. 1st class participated in an SEAI workshop and got to meet Guzzler. 2nd class did a workshop with Ms. O'Neill where they made structures using spaghetti and marshmallows. 3rd class used Wedo Lego kits to make robots and used the ipads to code them to move. 4th class participated in a SEAI workshop where they learned all about how energy can be changed from one form to another. They did some fun experiments to prove this. 5th class did a rocket workshop with Ms. O' Neill and 6th class created their own games. Some classes did extra engineering activities during the week.bThe girls learned lots and thoroughly enjoyed the week. 

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Engineering Week



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